Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala - San Felipe Fortress

The next day we hit our second port of call - Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala. I was so excited, having never been to Guatemala before and also excited about our shore excursion to go to the Fortress of San Felipe - I was imaging a little bit of Pirates of the Caribbean and was excited.
We got to ride another bus and since our excursion left to early in the morning, we had to sneak food off the ship and eat on the bus.Looking out of the window on the bus was amazing - the scenery of this country was magnificent. It was just as I imagined it should be - don't you love it when that happens? You see a place and it is just as you imagined it? It was a bit foggy but we were promised that when the sun came out, it would be a very beautiful day - they were right.Our big bus drove through crowded streets full of life and a bustling market. I loved looking at all they had for sale and wished I could have gone shopping!When we arrived, it was a short walk to the fortress - we passed a small cemetery and some great water views.The fortress was lovely and we had a great tour guide. She was thorough and we saw everything. It was amazing to me how small and compact some of the spaces were - it made me feel huge. Jasmine seemed to like exploring the fortress as well and we got some great pictures.Our drive back to the ship was as fun as the drive in and I took in the scenery of a beautiful country once more. I think I would love to see more of Guatemala.
When we got back to the ship we had some time to freshen up and then the local people came to the dock and did a farewell show for us. It was fun to see the dancing and hear the music and know they were bidding us farewell.Dinner, another show, a fun towel elephant on our bed and a cheeky monkey for a daughter, and that was the end of our day. Excellent.


Unknown said...

I have been waiting so long for day 2!
When will we get the next thrilling installment?
Jasmine did not look happy on that bus but she sure seemed to perk up.
Ava always seems to look contented - is it because she is or just because you don't take pictures when she's grumpy?
Looks like a great holiday.

Linz said...

I could go for a little Guatemala right now :) Looks beautiful!