Sunday, April 5, 2009

More Fun with Tia Laura

Jasmine had a blast with Laura while she was visiting. Since Laura likes to play and have fun, she was the perfect playmate for Jasmine and she indulged Jasmine in lots of playing, which made me happy because I am having a hard time with as big as I am these days. She also read books with her and picked her up every time Jasmine asked her to - oh the spoiling that took place!One of the activities they enjoyed together was playing with the Princess Playdoh. Laura was a bit jealous since she didn't have princess playdoh when she was a kid but she and Jasmine had fun molding Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and making flowers out of the playdoh. I had to capture a few pictures because it was fun to watch them play.


Laura said...

i am the best tia. hehehe!

Susan said...

Laura looks cute the the flower on her nose.

Lorne said...

Yes! We loved having Laura stay with us, and Jasmine love it too. Way-cool pic with the flower on her nose, and beautiful smile.
Can't wait to have you back Laura!