Cindy's Baby shower was February 23rd but I think I have recovered enough to write about it and post some pictures. This was the second baby shower I threw in one month - perhaps that was over-ambitious but I couldn't help it as I adore Cindy and Jill (the first shower of February) and they decided to have babies so close together. We had Cindy's baby shower at her house in Frederick since most of her friends don't know me and many live in Maryland. It was a challenge as you can imagine, to throw a party in someone else's home and I was missing my best assistant, my amazing husband. I also didn't want Cindy to do work for her shower but it was pretty much unavoidable. I went up on Friday night, the 22nd because I needed the extra time to shop and prepare the food and decorate the house.
It all turned out well, the party was well-attended, we played some fun games and the food was also good. Cindy made out like a bandit with gifts for the baby, so many cute things. All in all, a lot of fun was had, but boy was I exhausted when I left that night. I have sworn off throwing baby showers for about 6 months! But after I rest up, I am ready for another round!
Mom is tickling Jasmine...Jasmine says, "Mom, stop I don't want it." Mom does not listen. Jasmine says (waving right hand dramatically), "Mom, how many times do I have to tell you? I have told you 3 times". I guess they really are listening! May 2008
Jasmine: "Mom, where is Jesus?" Mom: "Jesus is in the sky honey." Jasmine: "When is He coming?" Mom: "I don't know, sweetie" Jasmine: "He needs to come soon, I miss Him so much!" Mom: "I miss Him too." Sigh...out of the mouths of babes... June 4, 2008
I explained to Jasmine yesterday that Daddy was away on business in Minnesota. After her nap today as I put her in the car she said, "Mommy, is Daddy drinking Minnesota?" I burst into laughter! June 17, 2008
"Mommy, you are my Mommy sweetie pie princess!" July 2008
We bought and put together a kitchen playset for Jasmine for her birthday and when it was all put together I asked her how it looked. She replied, "It looks ingenious Mommy!" July 12, 2008
I was helping Jasmine go potty - as she is now fully trained! When we were finished and I was zipping up her short, she touched my hand and said very sincerely, "Mommy, you are such a good helper!" July 28, 2008
We were sitting on our bed and Jasmine turned to Daddy and said, "Daddy, can I go to New York by myself when I am 4?" October 19, 2008
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