Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fun with Ouma and Grandfather

Jasmine has made herself a little routine with Ouma and Grandfather. She has found activities she enjoys doing with them. She loves to have Grandfather read to her and will sit on his lap for hours and and bring him book after book to read. She can't get enough and Grandfather never complains or seems to get tired of reading to her - even when he is asked to read the same books everyday.She also likes to play pretend tea party with both of them and asks to play it everyday. She will also spend lots of time brushing Ouma's hair and demanding she lay on the couch so Jasmine can make her beautiful. She will often crown Princess Ouma and then tell her they need to go get married in the temple.It has been so nice to see them together on this visit and I hope that Jasmine will remember her grandparents from Australia a bit more this time.