Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lorne's Birthday Party

So here I backtrack a little. We decided to celebrate Lorne's birthday on Saturday July 21 because our schedules are so full it was the only day we could manage it and hope to have our friends show up! Lorne decided that he wanted to have a party at home where we ate Popeyes fried chicken and played a game called Dance Dance Revolution (DDR for short) and then watch a movie. It was a blast of a time and I even made him the ice cream cake (no cakes were harmed in this creation) pictured in the previous post (as many of you know my husband does not like cake). Lorne was also heard exclaim at the end of the party how he had totally made out on the gifts people gave him - and indeed they were all very well thought out and perfect for him. Among the gifts were Andrew Lloyd Webber CDs, casual brown shoes, a DVD to update his navigation system, a book, and a light timer (to be explained by Lorne)! Thanks to all who attended and made the party so much fun!

Lorne's fine stash of gifts!
Jasmine & Ryan Child decided they were also going to join in on the fun while Sabrina played on the DDR mats!Jasmine and Abuela have a go!Lorne & Justin (impressive in a tie!) battle it out!Marcia & Jill make it all look so easy!Do you see the competitive edge in their eyes? Impressive as Shelly is expecting baby number 2 and her husband Matt doesn't just let her win!Matt & Jeff give it a go!Party guests