Thursday, July 5, 2007

America the Beautiful & Rainy

After having birthday lunch with Abuela Meme we headed off to Frederick to meet with Kevin & Cindy Zarcone for our annual 4th of July togetherness. It is a tradition for us to spend this holiday together and with the exception of the year they were married, we have kept it alive for 4 years. We went to a festical at Baker Park in Frederick and Jasmine rode a pony for the first time. Boy, did she love it - after the 5 minute ride she threw a temper tantrum to go back on the pony. It was quite a spectacle but we didn't give in, she has to learn that she can't have everything she wants and that we won't give in to temper tantrums. The only downer of the day is that it dumped a lot of rain on us - so much so that by the end of the day we were all quite wet and raisinlike in appearance. We listened to some fun patriotic music and watched fireworks - what more could you ask for?

Daddy & Jasmine in their patriotic pose
Jasmine points to the action with her flag!
The clan minus Sabrina
First Pony Ride
Yum! Root Beer floats!


Emmy said...

You look gorgeous in these pictures! (Like you always do) And, don't worry. . . the tantrums go away. Just DON'T give in! Stay strong, mommy! You'll make it!