Monday, December 10, 2007

More Jasmine Anecdotes!

So, Jasmine has yet again said some funny things that I have to post because I want to remember them and share the laughs with you.

About a week ago, I was sitting at my desk trying to get some work done and Jasmine comes marching into the office and puts her hands on her hips and says in a loud tone, "Don't upset me Mommy!" and then turned and walked out of the office. I sat there stunned and chuckling!

It has begun - and a bit early I might add. A few weeks ago, Lorne was telling Jasmine that she needed to sit still and finish her food, and he was being stern with her. She looked at him with her wide eyes and said, "Why?"

Last night I performed some concerts at the Visitor's Center (post on that later). Jasmine and Lorne arrived and Jasmine was mesmerized by the 450,000 lights that were displayed on the temple grounds. She looked up at Daddy and said, "Daddy, are we going to see Santa?" Lorne replied, "No sweetie, we are going to the Visitor's Center" (think of how he says it with an Australian accent Center pronounced "senta"). Jasmine instantly got excited and said, "Oh! We are going to Visitasanta?"

I had a stark realization that my little girl was growing up today. I took her to a local library because they were doing a story time and activity for children 2-3 years old called Gingerbread Tales. As we were sitting there, a mom and a cute little girl walks in and Jasmine gets all excited and says, "Mommy look! It's my friend Gracie!". I looked but didn't recognize the girl and thought she was mistaken. I asked Jasmine where her friend was and she again pointed to this little girl. So I thought a minute and realized that maybe the girl was in Jasmine's preschool class. During a break, I asked the mom if her daughter went to Epiphany and she said yes and that her daughter was in the 2 year old class - just like Jasmine. I then explained to her that Jasmine had recognized Gracie when she walked in and the mother said that it cleared up a mystery she had too because apparently Gracie was telling her mom, "Mom, there's my friend." The realization is that my daughter now knows people I don't know. It made me a bit sad but it was bound to happen sooner or later - I just wish it was later.

After my concert last night that Jasmine attended, Lorne brought her down to the stage to see me and she threw herself at me and gave the biggest hug and kiss and said, "It was so beautiful Mommy!" I melted.

My favorite Jasmine line lately is when she feels loving. She will put her hands on my cheeks and pat them and say, Mommy, you're my sweet!"


Laura said...

I read your blog everyday!!!

It looks like that I will definitely be making a trip to DC come July... I know that feels like ages away, but at least it's on the agenda. Fingers crossed for you making it over here!!! love you!! xxxx

Cindylou said...

I must say, the Visitor's Center comment was hysterical. Made me laugh out loud, very cute.

She is growing up! :)
